All Prices and availability are subject to change due to suppliers price and availability.
***Click on image for description and price***
If you are looking for a certain type of wood, color, or design please ask.
Budget Plaques
(Click Picture to see price)

Barn Board $20

Skid Board $15 3 styles
Flat Wall Plaques Most $40 (Click Picture to see Price)

Med Oak $40

Cedar $40

Dark Oak $40

Beech $40

Pecky cypress $45

Mesquite $45

Black Walnut $45

Weathered Wood $45

Med Oak $45

Cedar 45

Dark Oak $45

Pecky Cypress $45

Black Walnut $45

Weathered Wood $45

Prices starting at 40$ Price dependent on wood type and cut.

Prices starting at 40$ Price dependent on wood type and cut.

Cedar, Black Walnut, Med Oak $55

Skid board 3 styles $15

Barn Board $20
Custom Plaques, Pedestal Wall and Table plaques (Click on Picture to see Price) (Most wall Pedestal can also be turned to be a table pedestal plaque.)

Dark Oak $55

Beech $55

Med Oak $55

Black Walnut $60

Cedar $55

Weathered $60

Sappy Walnut $60

Sinker Cypress $60

Rustic Cherry

Exotic Wood Left to right Tigerwood, Wenge,Lace wood, African Mahogany $80

Color option and price same as 39a-e

Driftwood $90

Driftwood Pedestal $110
Custom Plaques(Click on Picture for Price)

$40 In all types of wood

$75 in variety of colors $5 more for black walnut

Wall Picture $50 Same colors as 39a-e

Carved Deer $60 in med oak, cedar and black walnut(add$5)

Picture pedestal $65 same colors as 39a-e (add$5 for Black Walnut)

Pedestal $100 Most states and wood available,

Wall Mount 100$ All states, Many woods available


Wall or Table $70 -Urethane foam with a plywood backing

Wall or Table Carved 3d $200

Wall Hangers (Click Picture for Price)

$50 all wood colors available

$40 All wood colors available

Steel $60

Steel $25

Swivel Pedestal $65 all wood patters as 39a-f (Black Walnut add $5)

Steel $50

Steel $15

All 50 States Available Steel $50

All 50 States available Steel $50
European Turkey (More versions to come soon just ask)

$125 Articulated neck, skull, beard, plaque and spurs/feet.



$120 Skull and beard


Turkey Plaque for European Turkey



Plaques for other animals